P&Gで通じる英語力を身に着ける P&Gと聞くと、「世界一の消費財メーカー」「グローバルトップ企業」のイメージから、高度な英語力を想像するかもしれません。確かにP&Gには、ネイティブ同様の高い英語力を持つ人が大勢います。
Is P&G Really Back? (alternate) (Photo credit: mikesolita) |
URL : http://diamond.jp/articles/-/14712
1 何をしたいのかをまず説明
2 その理由を説明
3 それにより、何を達成したいのかを説明
分かりやすく like this
We are proposing to focus on Education for Sustainable Development, as the key theme for Corporate Social Responsibility program.
The reasons are following.
1. The most importantly, the society recognizes its importance and needs for support from the industry sector.
2. This is the theme that our company can contribute the most, given the technical expertise on environmental sciences.
3. Third, it is the best topic to engage the employees because many of them are interested in helping children.
The next step is to discuss this with other countries and see if it can be a regional activity.
We are proposing to focus on Education for Sustainable Development, as the key theme for Corporate Social Responsibility program.
The reasons are following.
1. The most importantly, the society recognizes its importance and needs for support from the industry sector.
2. This is the theme that our company can contribute the most, given the technical expertise on environmental sciences.
3. Third, it is the best topic to engage the employees because many of them are interested in helping children.
The next step is to discuss this with other countries and see if it can be a regional activity.